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The Wrapp Post

🗓 February 2021

A few good Partners

When we first set-up we wanted it to be about the P-word. ‘Personalisation’. And now we are seeking a few good promotion & advertising ’Partners’ to partner up with.

So if your business is all about personalisation, creative and retail small-to-medium sized gifts, printer cartridges or printers. You may also be a Social Media promoter! If so, then we would love to hear from you to discuss having a (non-financial) reciprocal promotional arrangement, so the expectation would be to host a similar size banner ad on each others active websites and or social media with a few selective businesses currently located in the UK, USA, Canada & Europe.

Let’s discuss this further!

We have 3 types of banner sizes across 3 web-pages on Desktop & Tablet only.

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