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The Wrapp Post

🗓 June 2022

What every Dad needs

With Father’s day coming around again quick, infact this year it is on Sunday 19th June!

We feel Dad's should have something special this year, and to go that extra mile for him. Maybe he needs some new socks? A new mug for his favourite drink? Or, a helpful Snoring aid!? Whatever the gift, show him you care, and personalise his gift in syle.

Never forget the date again! As a rule of thumb, Father’s day is celebrated mostly across all countries including Canada, USA & the UK, on the ‘third Sunday’ of June.

So to help celebrate we have put a few designs together for you to use - our own designs here, or create your own special wrapping paper from scratch.

Finally, once you have your design made and printed, share it with the rest of world using the social links below! We look forward in seeing them. heart

Show your dad you’ve gone the extra mile this Father’s Day

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