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The Wrapp Post

🗓 September 2020

Go 3D with your Wrapping Paper

Now you can bring your wrapping paper designs to life with a stereoscopic 3D effect, creating the illusion of depth when viewed using 3D Glasses.

Made from white paper card with red and cyan lenses suitable for films, TV, magazines, comic books, anaglyph videos, internet videos and pictures and now PrintWrapp wrapping paper designs!

Add a touch of fun, and create an even bigger wow-factor by getting your recipient some 3D Specs to show off your design!

Look out for this icon
3D red & cyan glasses are recommended to view this image correctly.


3d specs
Add a special touch to your next gift, by getting the recipient to wear 3D specs.






























About this article

This article is written by The Wrapp Post, and was posted or last updated on September 20, 2020
Description: 3D Glasses, Stereoscopic Images
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Look out for this icon next to 3D effect images

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