The Wrapp Post
Anyone can wrap like a pro, and with these tips will save you resources and more importantly your time for many wrapping to come!
Tools:- no need for any scissors & minimal tape and paper!
1. Before you print your design use our handy calculator tool this will tell you the right amount of A4 sheets you will need to now print & wrap your gift efficiently.
Now you have the right amount of paper:-
2. Line up your printed sheets with a slight overlap and making sure the design is face down & taped together.
3. Place your gift so you cover the long-side with a slight overlap over the top.
If you have included a gift-tag, check your positioning so one-side of the gift lays over this and not on a corner or edge.
4. Then pull the other side tightly so the paper over-laps slightly & tape down.
For best results make sure that the paper joins are not on the corners of the box.
5. Finally, fold the ends as an envelope style! Ta da!
Preparation is key, tear off enough small pieces of tape beforehand. Make sure you give enough over-lap.